Idaho Cash - Idaho Lottery

Winning Numbers Draw Dates and Times Claim Dates Raffle Games Draw Game Bundles Claim Prizes returned to Idaho since 1989! How to Play Get two plays for $1. Pick five numbers from 1 to 45. If you’d like the computer to select your numbers, ask for a quick pick. Multi-draw tickets can be produced for up to 35 consecutive draws. Drawings are daily at 8:00 pm MT. This game is only played in Idaho! Rolling jackpot starts at $20,000! Overall odds of winning a prize are 1:5.7 Idaho Cash tickets cannot be canceled after they are processed. Responsibility for the numbers selected rests with the player, not the retailer or the Lottery. MAKE SURE TO SIGN YOUR TICKET PRIOR TO PRESENTING FOR PAYMENT. Free ticket will be a quick pick. Payment: If the Jackpot is not won, prize funds will be added to the next drawing’s Jackpot prize. *The Jackpot prize will be divided equally among multiple winners. The Jackpot prize is paid in one lump-sum, cash payment. Note: Although every attempt is made to ensure that this list of numbers is accurate, the official winning numbers are recorded in the official draw files as certified by the independent accounting firm. © new Date().getFullYear()>2010&&document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); Idaho Lottery
