The Asia's leading casino LIVE22’s website may sometimes be blocked in certain countries or regions. Please contact our Customer Support for assistance. In accordance with our Terms & Conditions, any player must be at least 18 years of age. LIVE22 abides by its commitment to fair gaming policies and as such, uses a sophisticated Randomized Number Generator (RNG) and odds for all games with randomized outcomes. For all its card-based games, the deck(s) of cards are shuffled prior to each hand being dealt. Due to several reasons beyond our control, internet connections may malfunction at times. Because of this, we have developed a sophisticated integrated abnormal disconnection handling mechanism to protect players in such an event. Please do not panic if you get disconnected from the Internet while you are in a middle of a game. You will be logged out after a certain period of inactivity if you are unable to reconnect to LIVE22. If you manage to reconnect before you are logged out, the type of game you were playing determines what you will see upon reconnection. In Live Baccarat, if you have already placed a bet, you may login again to see how the game had finished by clicking on the “Game History” button. If your bet was not yet placed, you will get a refund. In the casino lobby, you will find a “Help” button containing a complete set of instructions and explanations of all casino games. You may also click the “Help” button while playing to display yips for the specific game you are playing.

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